Wednesday, December 03, 2008

MCF: Return to Ravenhearst
Just finished playing it yesterday, it is an awesome game,
the soundtrack is like woah, the art is beautiful, the gameplay is fun, the storyline is so cool...
only source of contention was possibly the idiot detective.

The 3 Reasons why the detective is an idiot:

Reason no. 3:

Ok i found a crowbar, a bigass axe, a hammer, a dagger, and what does that woman do?
She throws them all away. Hello? If she'd kept the axe she (i.e the player) wouldn't need to
spend time picking the puzzle lock, she could've just hacked her way through.

Reason no. 2:
So the clock is ticking, there's a big bad who wants her dead,
but the dear detective decides she needs to be neat about her tasks.
Case in point, after using a screwdriver to open up a fuel lid
( a crowbar would have been soo useful)
I take the jar of fuel and try to pour it into the hole. Detective lady is all 'I can't do that'
and i'm like "why not?!"
So I check my inventory and see that there's a funnel there. Oh.
Lady needs to use a funnel to pour the oil in so it won't spill. Yeah we have so much time in this
dark, spooky haunted house to be neat.

And the no. 1 Reason why Madame Master Detective is an idiot:

Oh man she CANNOT outrun a 110 year old dude.
*spoiler alert*

So I enter victor's cottage. The player sees a really, really old guy sitting in a chair. He turns and
spots our detective and he's all like: Hey stinker, you made my daddy mad, now i'm gonna get
you. He then gets up, slow-like, and hobbles towards our detective. Our detective isn't moving
so I'm thinking darn am I gonna have to kill him? Suddenly without warning, detective lady faints. Can I hear a WTC?

She comes to in an attic. This is the hilarious part coz the player gets to see what she wrote in
her logbook regarding the incident and here's what it says essentially:

-She states that she was surprised by Victor. ( haha right, you just keep tellin yourself that, nothin like seein an old guy in a chair to give you a right surprise)

-She comments that he looks about 110 years old. (And you couldn't outrun him? The dude was hobbling)

-She has a picture of Victor hobbling towards her. (She has time to take a photo but not to run?)

One surmises that miss detective was not being very honest in her log.

It's ok to admit you're a wimp ma'am.

Though to give her some credit, Victor must have been really strong,
since he was able to carry our detective and
climb a flight of broken stairs, and climb a rope up to the attic at the same time.

Anyway, while the IQ of the protagonist needs reworking,
yes, reason no 3 was more of a joke reason coz the point of a hidden object game is that we find items anyway.

The game on the whole was much better than the previous 4 (not counting the DS versions.) I mean MCF Ravenhearst and MCF Madam Fate were good, but this game really set the bar higher.
The amount of detail that went into the artwork is truly stunning, from the clues, (consisting of newspaper clippings, posters and even paintings), to the 'eye spy' scenes.
The new soundtrack really adds to the dark Poe-ish atmosphere of the setting and the plot. The little additions like the moving backgrounds and the creepy eastereggs in various scenes make the spook factor of the game just right. It's nothing too over the top. You hear voices and see dolls that blink. Ghostly apparitions make minute appearances.
The puzzles are fun but simple as they tend to follow a 'rubik's cube' kind of theme, with players having to connect lines of light, marbles, slabs etc. Even Charles' door locks aren't exactly the same, with players merely having to find objects, stick them in and solve a pattern. Hopefully MCF will bring back the 'Rube Goldberg Contraption' based puzzles that (in my opinion) were the best kind.

Art Appreciation:

A sign outside the manor.

A section from the logbook

A mysterious well.

One of the 'eye spy' scenes.

Entrance to the garden.

A clue.
So with MCF 5 ending on a cliffhanger, I and other MCF fans look forward to MCF 6.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cat Spotted Outside Petrol Station

If this cat were human, it'd be a model.


(Actually it was yawning)


This cat was sleeping peacefully at the side of the road.

When I went up to it

it woke up, looked at me, then continued sleeping.

It kept changing its pose as I snapped the photos.

Later it walked to the other side of the road

And stayed still as I continued taking more photos.

Avenue Q!

Show was really funny throughout,

though one part was a bit disturbing.

The puppeteer for Kate Monster has a nice singing voice.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Art Appreciation

Lladró Sculptures:


Sculptor: Regino Torrijos


Sculptor: Regino Torrijos


Sculptor: Marco Antonio Noguerón


Sculptor: Salvador Debón


Sculptor: Virginia González

All images taken from the official Lladró website.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Yeah I know this review is a year or more late, but here it is anyway:

Cloverfield was strewn with inconsistencies and relatively stupid characters.

1. The protagonist's girlfriend suffered a severe wound but was still alive after (at least) 3 hours. The girl was stabbed through with a metal pole at the start of the whole monster rampage. To me, that constitutes a heavy wound which probabaly involved lots of blood spillage.

When she phones her boyfriend to come save her, the audience is thinking: Dude, She'll be dead by the time you get there. True enough, the protagonist reaches GF's apartment to find her with her eyes closed, not breathing. He kneels at her side and weeps.

Suddenly, like Dracula rising from his coffin, GF sits up and gasps for breath. It is probably one of the most anti-climatic scenes in the movie. The protagonist is joyful, the audience is thinking: WOAH.

2. Despite the heavy bloodloss and having just recently been punctured by a pole, GF is sprightly enough to run faster than the dude with the camera. In fact, she looks positively healthy.

3. Before reaching GF's apartment, the protagonist and company decide to run through a subway tunnel. Unarmed. Have none of these kids played video games? Have they not watched horror movies? Do they not know what happens in dark claustrophobic places?

Anyway, they're running through the dark tunnel when they hear a NOISE.

One of them asks if the others heard something and they all stop. They proceed to on the videocamera's light. At this point the audience is thinking: Dudes you're all so dead.

Needless to say, the monsters attack.

4. The gang are saved by the military. BF really really wants to save his GF even after the sergeant tells him that her apartment is in a Monster Infested Hotspot and she's probably dead by now. BF is all: Oh NO I am saving her! So the sergeant says: Ok meet back here in time for the helicopter and good luck. He then lets them leave unarmed.


The military professional just sent a bunch of civilians into the battleground. Unarmed.

5. The gang make their way to GF's apartment and are still too brainless to find something to use as a weapon. As they near the Monster Hotspot, the audience brace themselves for a fight scene.

Turns out the sergeant was right. They really didn't need any weapons. In the whole big, gargantuan building, there's only one lonely little monster who pops up randomly and is instantly punched to death. For Monster Hotspot, the place is pretty empty. Not just of monsters but also of bodies. Since this is a big residential building, you half expect to see bodies lying around.

There's none, zilch. The place is spotless, nothing but debris. No bones, no blood. Just one girl with a pole run through her. Either the tenants of the building run really fast, or the monster ate them bones and all.

6. The gang finally end up in the helicopter, unfortunately, it gets knocked down. The audience is thinking: This time they're really dead.

Wrong. They're alive! But all the military personnel who were in the 'copter with them are dead.

Camera dude gets eaten by the monster. BF and GF are nearby but somehow escape. Apparently the monster was too full to chase them.

BF and GF are hiding under a bridge. The bridge gets bombed.
The End.

All in all, Cloverfield was a brainless, yet entertaining watch. Hopefully the sequel makes more sense.